Fs 4 0 24 Volt

broken image

Battery Specifications. Battery Specifications. Battery Specifications. Kobalt 24-volt max 4.0-Ah Li-ion battery provides more power and runtime, so you can get the job done fast. Power indicator displays charge status and can be used whether the battery is on the tool or off. Internal circuitry protects the battery pack from extreme temperatures, over-discharge, and over-charge for longer life.

  1. Fs 4 0 24 Volt Lithium Ion Battery
  2. @ 4:0 Mark Zuckerberg
  3. Fs 4 0 24 Volt Battery Charger

Deutsche Version
  • 24-36 Volt 900 Watt. 24-36V 900W Electric Scooter/Bicycle Speed Controller with Throttle Robust heavy-duty design with large heat sinks and thick 10 gauge wires. Epoxy encapsulated electronics for a high level of water resistance. 24-36 Volt input range. Designed for 24 Volt motors up to 600 Watts and and 36 Volt motors up to 900 Watts.
  • Home Products About us. FS-4 Industrial Series. SUNS CB-4-24 Gray 24V Alarm Bell 4 Inch 24 Volt DC (4' in 24 VDC).

VoltageV to Voltage level Lu (dBu) and LV (dBV)
Voltage levelLu to LV and Voltage V
Fs 4 0 24 volt battery
Voltage level LV to Lu and Voltage V

Decibel(dB)levelconversion to volt
Level in dBu to dBV, or volts (rms), and dBV to dBu, or volts (rms)
volts (rms) to level in dBu and dBV p-p = peak to peak

Conversion of sound units SPL (levels)
4 divided by 0
Voltage level LV to Lu and Voltage V

Decibel(dB)levelconversion to volt
Level in dBu to dBV, or volts (rms), and dBV to dBu, or volts (rms)
volts (rms) to level in dBu and dBV p-p = peak to peak

Conversion of sound units SPL (levels)
Conversion of factor, ratio, or gain to a level value (gain decibels dB)
The used browser does not support JavaScript.
You will see the program but the function will not work.

Fill out a gray box above and click the respective 'calculate' bar under it. p-p = peak to peak.
The reference voltage for 0 dBu is 0.775 volt (0.77459667 V) and for 0 dBV it is exactly 1.0 volt.
Scroll down to find the formulas for voltage and power and the calculation of the absolute level.

The origin of the index of dBu comes from 'u = unloaded' and dBV comes from 'V = 1 volt'. Some say:
The 'u' in dBu implies that the load impedance is unspecified, unterminated, and is likely to be high.

What is dBu? A logarithmic voltage ratio with a reference voltage of V0 = 0.7746 volt ≡ 0 dBu
What is dBV? A logarithmic voltage ratio with a reference voltage of V0 = 1.0000 volt ≡ 0 dBV
The home recording level (consumer audio) of −10 dBV means 0.3162 volts, that is −7.78 dBu.
The studio recording level (pro audio) of +4 dBu means a voltage of 1.228 volts.
The maximum undistorted level of audio amplifiers is +18 dBu. In USA it is +24 dBu.
Domestic gear with a −10 dBV level is usually unbalanced. Studio gear with a +4 dBu level is always balanced. 0 VU = +4 dBu.

Scale: Level in dBu and dBV in comparison to the voltage in V

Studio level international +4 1.228 +1.78
Standard level 1 Volt +2.22 1 0 ref.
Standard level 0.775 Volt 0 ref. 0.775 −2.22
Domestic level −7.78 0.316 −10

The level difference between +4 dBu studio level
and −10 dBV consumer level is Δ
L = 11.78 dB (12 dB).

The level difference between dBu level and dBV level is Δ L = 2.2 dB.
0 dBV equals 2.2 dBu or 0 dBu equals −2.2 dBV.

The conversion from level L(dBu) to voltage (volt) is V= 0.775 × 10(L/20).
The conversion from voltage V(volt) to level (dBu) is L = 20 × log (V/0.775).

All field quantities, like voltage or sound pressure are
always true RMS values, if not otherwise stated.

In mathematics, the root mean square (abbreviated RMS
or rms), also known as the quadratic mean, is a statistical
measure of the magnitude of a varying quantity.

For sinusodial voltages or currents with ohm's loads
calculations can made easier with RMS = amplitude / √2

Level Voltage

Note - Comparing dBSPL and dBA: There is no conversion formula for
measured dBA values to sound pressure level dBSPL or vice versa.
Also you cannot convert 'dBA to volts' and vice versa.

Conversion is only possible for measuring one single frequency.

Pro audio equipment often lists an A-weighted noise spec – not
because it correlates well with our hearing – but because it can
'hide' nasty hum components that make for bad noise specs.

Words to bright minds: Always wonder what a manufacturer
is hiding when they use A-weighting.


We don't use the dBm in audio engineering. That belongs to power, we don't need here.

If you really need dBm with 'm = 1 milliwatt or one thousandth (10−3) of a watt', go to:
The dBm calculator and power matching or impedance matching

Explanation: What is 'dBFS'? (Digital Audio)

Analog levels and digital levels are different realms.

♦ An often posted question: 'Please, can you help me convert from dBFS to dBu'.
Never express analog signal levels in terms of dBFS.
Follow this and you will not confuse anyone.

There is no decibel to dBFS converter
Notice - Comparing dBu and dBFS: There is really no fixed
world standard like e.g. −20 dBFS = +4 dBu = 0dBVU.
The digital peak scale is not equivalent to the analog RMS scale.

You can never match dBFS and dBu.

dBu is volts - you measure it with a volt meter.
Analog audio: positive and negative voltage.

dBFS is in contrast a binary number.
Digital audio: zeroes and ones.

There is no such thing as peak volts dBu *)

It is incorrect to state peak voltage levels in dBu.

*) http://www.rane.com/note169.html
*) http://www.rane.com/pdf/ranenotes/No_Such_Thing_as_Peak_Volts_dBu.pdf

dBFS must have a minus sign at the beginning. There is not something like +6 dBFS.

There is no such standardized reference. x dBFS is a digital voltage level
(peak) and y dBVU or dBu is an analog voltage level (RMS).

Digital and analogue are two totally different realms.

That's why there is no relation between dBFS and dBVU or dBu, whatsoever.
Analog meter (ppm): attack time 10 to 300 ms − reading rms values.
Digital meter: attack time < 1 ms − reading peak values. That is really some

Advice: Watch only your digital meters and go up to 0 dBFS, but never go
over this mark. We use 'headroom' in the analog domain. That is OK, but
we don't need digital 'headroom' as an always 'unused' forbidden

You are free to choose your private headroom, if you like that, but there is no
standard that you have to do that.
The demand for a high modulation level, stand in the contrary to the claim,
to avoid overloading.

Never take the following funny guessing game for granted. Use it only as a rough guide:
European & UK calibration for Post & Film is −18 dBFS = 0 VU = +4 dBu
BBC spec: −18 dBFS = PPM '4' = 0 dBu
American Post: −20 dBFS = 0 VU = +4 dBu
Orchestral −18 dBFS = 0 VU = +4 dBu
Rock and / or Radio −16, or −14, or −12 dBFS = 0 VU = +4 dBu
Digi 002 is only capable of −14 dBFS.
German ARD & studio PPM +6 dBu = −10 (−9) dBFS. +16 (+15) dBu = 0 dBFS. No VU.
EBU R68-2000 - The European Broadcasting Union recommends: digital level
−9 dBFs (maximum). You have to keep the upper 9 dBs empty without any use.
The reference level is −18 dBFs. 0 dBFs is equal to +15 dBu.
Notice: 0 dBFS is the permitted maximum digital level.

The EBU broadcasters have a problem, because they want to use the old slow meters with the
dBu scale (attack 10 ms, quasi-peak) of the analog times for digital recordings.
The rest of the world looks always at the fast digital meters (attack < 1 ms, peak) with the dBFS
scale. Forget looking at the dBu scale of the meters.
It seems to come a change from QPPM-modulation to loudness (ITU/EBU) and true-peak.
Look at: EBU R 128.

Note: The guidelines of the EBU to set the maximum gain
to −9 dB dBFS should not apply if not working for the
European Broadcasting Union. Whose maximum levels
of digital CD masters are −9dBFS, should not be
surprised if the CDs are not loud enough.
9 dB up to the top are left free with really no use.

More readable papers of the topic 'Loudness and Level':

10 things you need to know about .. EBU R 128 - the EBU loudness recommendation

Florian Camerer: Loudness On the way to nirvana - audio levelling with EBU R 128

LUFS = Loudness Units relative to Full Scale

The formulas for voltage and power
and the calculation of the absolute level

To use the calculator, simply enter a value.
The calculator works in both directions of the sign.

dBm indicates that the reference power is P0 = 1 milliwatt = 0.001 watt ≡ 0 dB

Textual 7 1 4 0. Conversion of voltage or power ratios to decibels dB - table and chart

Table of Sound Pressure Levels and Corresponding Sound Pressure and Sound Intensity
RMS voltage, peak voltage and peak-to-peak voltage

The parameters of the mains or 'power' sine wave form are summarized at the table below:

Average voltageRMS voltage (VRMS)Peak voltage (Vp) = (Û)Peak-to-peak voltage (Vpp)
0 volts117 volts = VRMS = ~V165 volts = √2×VRMS = 0,5 × Vpp330 volts = 2×√2×VRMS = 2 × Vp
0 volts230 volts = VRMS = ~V325 volts = √2×VRMS = 0,5 × Vpp650 volts = 2×√2×VRMS = 2 × Vp

The value VRMS of an alternating voltage V (t) = V0 × f(t)is defined so that the
effective DC power corresponds VRMS2 / R = VRMS × IRMS to an ohmic resistance
of the middle resistive power of this AC voltage to the same resistance.

The crest factor means the ratio of the peak voltage to the RMS voltage.
If you need to calculate an attenuator (attenuation calculation) you calculate a voltage divider.

Voltage conversions

VoltageVRMS = ~VVpVpp
Average voltage RMS VRMS = 0.7071 × Vp0.3535 × Vpp
Peak voltage Vp = 1.414 × VRMS0.5000 × Vpp
Peak-to-peak voltage Vpp = 2.828 × VRMS2.000 × Vp

Different voltage levels Photoscape x photo editor 2 8 2.

Level Level L in dB Voltage RMSVoltage peak-to-peak
European studio level - ARD broadcast level +6 dBu1.55 V4.38 V
International studio level - USA+4 dBu1.228 V3.47 V
Domestic recording (Consumer units)−10 dBV0.3162 V ≡ −7.78 dBu0.894 V
Sound pressure level (auditory threshold) 0 dB2×10−5 Pa ≡ 0 dBSPL5.66×10−5 Pa
Reference studio level re 0.775 volt 0 dBu0.7746 V2.19 V
Reference studio level re 1 volt 0 dBV1.0000 V2.828 V

International reference values

Physical unit Level unitReference valueNote
VoltageV0 = 0.775 V ≡ 0 dBuAudio engineering, no impedance reference!
VoltageV0 = 1 V ≡ 0 dBVAudio engineering, USA
VoltageV0 = 1×10−6 VHF receiver and amplifier technology
VoltageV0 = 0.224 VHF technology - Reference 1 mW at Z = 50 Ω
VoltageV = 1.228 VStudio level +4 dBu, USA - Reference 0.7746 V
VoltageV = 1.55 VStudio level +6 dBu, ARD - Reference 0.7746 V
VoltageV = 0.3162 VHome recording level −10 dBV - Reference 1.0 V ≡ −7.78 dBu
Sound pressure p0 = 2×10−5 Pa ≡ 0 dBSound Pressure Level SPL, auditory threshold (Sound field size)
Sound particle velocity v0 = 5×10−8 m/s ≡ 0 dB
Sound intensityI0 = 1×10−12 W/m2 ≡ 0 dBThreshold of pain at 1 W/m2 (Sound energy size)
PowerP0 = 1 W ≡ 0 dBWThe reference impedance must always be told
PowerP0 = 1 mW ≡ 0 dBmZ = 600 Ω (telephones) or Z = 50 Ω (antennas)
Electric field strengthE0 = 1×10−6 V/m

Decibels (dB) Calculator

Decibels are defined as ten times the log of a power ratio. Decibels convert
multiplication and division calculations into simple addition and subtraction operations.

This calculator converts between decibels, voltage gain (or current), and power gain.
Just fill in one field and the calculator will convert the other two fields.

Equations: Level in dB: L = 20 × log (V1/V2) = 10 × log (P1/P2)

The dBm is a logarithmic measure of power compared to 1 mW,
that means it is power dependent.
It can be converted to a voltage, if the load impedance is known.
Typically the impedance (load) is 600 ohms.

Equation: Level in dBm: LP = 10 × log (P / 0.001)

Simple rule of thumb: When working with power: 3 dB is twice, 10 dB is 10 times.
When working with voltage or current: 6 dB is twice, 20 dB is 10 times.

Why is the bandwidth and the cutoff frequency found at the level of '−3 dB'?
Why we always take 3 dB down gain of a filter?
Full width at half maximum (FWHM).

Answer: That is the point where the energy (power) is fallen to the value ½ or 0.5 = 50 percent of the initial power as energy
quantity, that is equivalent to (−)3 dB = 10×log(0.5). A (−)3 dB power drop is a decrease of 50 % to the value of 50%.
There the voltage is fallen to the value of √(½) or 0.7071 = 70.71 percent of the initial voltage as field quantity equivalent to
(−)3 dB = 20×log(0.7071). A (−)3 dB voltage drop is a decrease of 29.29 % to the value of 70.71 %.

(−)3 dB implies ½ the electric power and since the power is proportional to the
square of voltage, the value will be 0.7071 or 70.71 % of the passband voltage.
√½ = 1/√2 = √0,5 = 0,7071. P ~ V2, that is 0,5 ~ 0,70712.

Sound engineers and sound designers ('ear people') mostly use the usual (sound) field quantity. That'swhy they say:
The cutoff frequency of a device (microphone, amplifier, loudspeaker) is the frequency at which the output voltage level
is decreased to a value of (−)3 dB below the input voltage level (0 dB).
● (−)3 dB corresponds to a factor of √½ = 1/√2 = 0.7071, which is 70.71% of the input voltage.

Acousticians and sound protectors ('noise fighters') seem to like more the (sound) energy quantity. They tell us:
The cutoff frequency of a device (microphone, amplifier, loudspeaker) is the frequency at which the output power level is
decreased to a value of (−)3 dB below the input power level (0 dB).
● (−)3 dB corresponds to a factor of ½ = 0.5, which is 50% of the input power (half the value).

Note: Power gain (power amplification) is not common in audio engineering.
Even power amplifiers for loudspeakers don't amplify the power.
They amplify the audio voltage that moves the voice coil.

Sound field quantities
Sound pressure, sound or particle velocity,
particle displacement or displacement amplitude,
(voltage, current, electric resistance).
Inverse Distance Law 1/r
Sound energy quantities
Sound intensity, sound energy density,
sound energy, acoustic power.
(electrical power).
Inverse Square Law 1/r²

Note: A sound field quantity (sound pressure p, electric voltage V) is not a sound energy
quantity (sound intensity I, sound power Pak). I ~ p2 or P ~ V2. Sometimes you can hear
the statement: The cutoff frequency is there where the level L is decreased by (−)3 dB.
Whatever the user wants to tell us so accurately: Level is level or dB is dB.

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Paragon ntfs for mac 14 0 382. Schwinn Scooter Parts > 24V Schwinn S-750 Chain Drive Electric Scooter Parts

Choose carefully when buying Schwinn S-750 parts. The Schwinn S-750 electric scooter was made in 24 Volt chain drive, 24 Volt direct drive, and 36 Volt versions. The number of batteries determines its Voltage. If the scooter has 2 batteries it is a 24 Volt version, and if it has 3 batteries it is 36 Volt version. The scooter's Voltage may also be printed on the battery charger. If it is a 24 Volt version then it could have either 10Ah batteries or 12Ah batteries depending upon the scooter's build date.

24 Volt Schwinn S-750 Chain Drive Parts24 Volt Schwinn S-750 Direct Drive Parts36 Volt Schwinn S-750 Parts

24 Volt 10 Amp hour Battery Set for 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 Chain Drive Electric Scooter
Set of two 12 Volt 10Ah scooter batteries for the 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 chain drive electric scooter. Includes 12 month battery replacement warranty.

Warranty Details
Item # 06S7-24VBATTERIES

The 24 Volt Schwinn S-750 has two different battery sizes. Verify that the size of your batteries matches this battery set before ordering. Size of each battery: 5-7/8' long x 2-1/2' wide x 4-5/16' high


24 Volt 10 Amp hour Battery Pack with Case and Wiring Harness for Schwinn® S-750 Chain Drive Electric Scooter
Plug-and-play battery pack for the Schwinn® S-750 chain drive electric scooter. Includes two 12 Volt 10Ah pre-wired batteries, heavy-duty woven nylon zippered soft case with built-in handle, and pre-installed wiring harness. Fully assembled and ready to use. Includes 12 month battery replacement warranty.

Warranty Details
Item # BAT-2410PK

The 24 Volt Schwinn S-750 has two different battery sizes. Verify that the size of your batteries matches this battery set before ordering. Size of each battery: 5-7/8' long x 2-1/2' wide x 4-5/16' high

Battery Pack Bag with Wiring Harness for 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 Chain Drive Electric Scooter
For versions with two 12V 10Ah batteries. Heavy duty woven nylon battery pack bag with zipper and carry handle for the 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 chain drive electric scooter. Includes wiring harness.
Item # CTE-B2410
24 Volt 12 Amp hour Battery Set for 24 Volt Schwinn S-750 Chain Drive Electric Scooter
Set of two 12 Volt 12Ah batteries for the 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 chain drive electric scooter. Includes 12 month battery replacement warranty.

Warranty Details
Item # BAT-12V12AHX2

The 24 Volt Schwinn S-750 has two different battery sizes. Verify that the size of your batteries matches this battery set before ordering. Size of each battery: 6' long x 3-7/8' wide x 3-3/4' high


24 Volt 12 Amp hour Extended Range Battery Set for 24 Volt Schwinn S-750 Chain Drive Electric Scooter
Set of two 12 Volt 15Ah batteries for the 24 Volt Schwinn S-750 chain drive electric scooter. These 15Ah batteries provide 25% more range than the 12Ah batteries sold above. Includes 12 month battery replacement warranty.
Warranty Details
Item # BAT-12V15AHX2
The 24 Volt Schwinn S-750 has two different battery sizes. Verify that the size of your batteries matches this battery set before ordering. Size of each battery: 6' long x 3-7/8' wide x 3-3/4' high
24 Volt 12 Amp hour Battery Pack with Case and Wiring Harness for 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 Chain Drive Electric Scooter
Plug-and-play battery pack for the 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 chain drive electric scooter. Includes two 12 Volt 12Ah pre-wired batteries, heavy-duty woven nylon zippered soft case with built-in handle, and pre-installed wiring harness. Fully assembled and ready to use. Includes 12 month battery replacement warranty.

Warranty Details
Item # BAT-2412PK

The 24 Volt Schwinn S-750 has two different battery sizes. Verify that the size of your batteries matches this battery pack before ordering. Size of each battery: 6' long x 3-7/8' wide x 3-3/4' high

24 Volt 15 Amp hour Extended Range Battery Pack with Case and Wiring Harness for 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 Chain Drive Electric Scooter
Plug-and-play battery pack for the 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 chain drive electric scooter. Includes two 12 Volt 15Ah pre-wired batteries, heavy-duty woven nylon zippered soft case, and pre-installed wiring harness. Fully assembled and ready to use. Includes 12 month battery replacement warranty.
Warranty Details
Item # BAT-2415PK
The 24 Volt Schwinn S-750 has two different battery sizes. Verify that the size of your batteries matches this battery pack before ordering. Size of each battery: 6' long x 3-7/8' wide x 3-3/4' high
24 Volt Battery Pack Wiring Harness for 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 Chain Drive Electric Scooter
Battery pack wiring harness for the 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 chain drive electric scooter.
Item # CNX-BA0574
Off-Scooter Battery Pack Charging Adapter for 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 Chain Drive Electric Scooter
Battery pack charging adapter for the 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 chain drive electric scooter. Allows one battery pack to be recharged outside of the scooter while the other battery pack is installed in the scooter and being used.
Item # CNX-BA0755
24 Volt Battery Charger for 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 Chain Drive Electric Scooter
Battery charger for the 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 chain drive electric scooter. Charger rating: 24 Volt, 1.6 Amp
Item # CHR-24V1.6AXLR
24 Volt Battery Charger for 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 Chain Drive Electric Scooter (OEM)
OEM battery charger for the 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 chain drive electric scooter. Charger rating: 24 Volt, 1.67 Amp
Item # CHR-C24V1.67AXLR
24 Volt Quick-Charge Battery Charger for 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 Chain Drive Electric Scooter
Quick-charge battery charger for the 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 chain drive electric scooter. Charger rating: 24 Volt, 4 Amp. This battery charger takes approximately half the time that it takes the stock 1.5 Amp charger to charge the battery pack.
Item # CHR-C24V4AXLR

Main Wiring Harness for 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 Chain Drive Electric Scooter
Main wiring harness with fuse for the 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 chain drive electric scooter.
Installation Directions
Item # CNX-BA05604


Charger Port for 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 Chain Drive Electric Scooter
Battery charger port for the 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 chain drive electric scooter. Compatible with charger ports that have two wires. If your scooter has a charger port with three wires then purchase the CNX-XLR14 charger port sold below to use with this wiring harness.
Item # CNX-XLR14

Charger Port for Schwinn® S-750 Chain Drive Electric Scooter
Battery charger port with three wires and three terminal connector for the Schwinn® S-750 chain drive electric scooter.
Item # CNX-XLR16
Charger Port Rivets for Schwinn® S-750 Chain Drive Electric Scooter
Set of two charger port rivets with black enamel finish for the Schwinn® S-750 chain drive electric scooter. These are blind (pop) rivets which work with all standard blind rivet setting tools.
Item # RVT-XLR2
Fuse for 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 Chain Drive Electric Scooter
Fuse for the 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 chain drive electric scooter. Fuse rating: 40 Amp
Item # FUS-ATO40
Power Switch for 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 Chain Drive Electric Scooter
On/Off power switch for the 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 chain drive electric scooter.
Item # SWT-156
Power Switch for 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 Chain Drive Electric Scooter
On/Off power switch for the 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 chain drive electric scooter.
Item # SWT-160
Handlebar Grip Set for 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 Chain Drive Electric Scooter
Handlebar grip set for the 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 chain drive electric scooter.
Item # GRP-55SET
5 Wire Throttle for 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 Chain Drive Electric Scooter
5 wire twist throttle for 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 chain drive electric scooter.
Item # THR-500
Speed Controller for 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 Chain Drive Electric Scooter (For 5 Wire Throttles)
Speed controller for the 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 Chain Drive Electric Scooter with 5 wire throttle connector.
Item # SPD-SD750-5
6 Wire Throttle for 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 Chain Drive Electric Scooter
6 wire twist throttle for the 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 chain drive electric scooter. Three LED battery status indicator lights.
Item # THR-600


Replacement 6 Wire Thumb Throttle for 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 Chain Drive Electric Scooter (No Indicator Lights)
Replacement 6 wire thumb throttle for the 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 chain drive electric scooter. This alternative thumb throttle has no battery indicator lights. Since there are no indicator light this throttle only has 3 wires however it has a 6 wire connector to replace the original 6 wire twist throttle.
Item # THR-600-3
Speed Controller for 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 Chain Drive Electric Scooter (For 6 Wire Throttles)
Replacement speed controller for the 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 chain drive electric scooter with 6 wire throttle connector.
Item # SPD-SD500-6
12-1/2x3.0 V-Tread Tire for 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 Chain Drive Electric Scooter
12-1/2'x 3.0' V-Style tread pattern street tread tire for the 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 chain drive electric scooter.
Item # TIR-1253
12-1/2x3.0 Tube With Bent Valve Stem for 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 Chain Drive Electric Scooter
Inner tube with bent valve stem for use with 12-1/2 x 3.0' tires sold above.
Item # TUB-12.5X3.0
12-1/2x2.75 Knobby Tread Tire for 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 Chain Drive Electric Scooter
12-1/2'x 2.75' knobby tread pattern all-terrain tread tire for the 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 chain drive electric scooter. Replaces the original 12-1/2' x 3' tire.
Item # TIR-1275
12-1/2x2.5 Inner Tube With Straight Valve Stem for 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 Chain Drive Electric Scooter
For use with size 12-1/2 x 2.75' tires sold above.
Item # TUB-12.5x2.5
Motor with 11 Tooth Sprocket for 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 Chain Drive Electric Scooter
Motor with 11 tooth sprocket for the 24 Volt version of the Schwinn® S-750 chain drive electric scooter.
Item # MOT-SD175
Motor with 15 Tooth Freewheel Sprocket for 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 Chain Drive Electric Scooter
Motor with 15 tooth freewheel sprocket for the 24 Volt version of the Schwinn® S-750 chain drive electric scooter.
Item # MOT-SD175FW
Chain with Master Link for 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 Chain Drive Electric Scooter
Heavy-Duty chain with master link for the 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 chain drive electric scooter.
Item # CHN-HD2598
Motor Sprocket for 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 Chain Drive Electric Scooter (11 Tooth)
11 tooth motor sprocket for the Schwinn® S-750 chain drive electric scooter.
Item # SPR-2511P
Replaces 11 tooth sprockets only. Does not fit on motors with 15 tooth freewheel sprockets.
Motor Sprocket for 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 Chain Drive Electric Scooter
15 tooth motor sprocket with one-way clutch for the 2007 Schwinn® S-750 chain drive electric scooter.
Item # SPR-2515F
Replaces 15 tooth freewheel sprockets only. Does not fit on motors with non-freewheel sprockets.
Rear Sprocket for 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 Chain Drive Electric Scooter
Rear wheel sprocket for 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 chain drive electric scooter.
Item # SPR-2590
Front Brake Lever for 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 Chain Drive Electric Scooter
Front brake lever with built-in brake switch for the 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 chain drive electric scooter.
Item # CTE-24415
Rear brake Lever for 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 Chain Drive Electric Scooter
Rear brake lever for the 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 chain drive electric scooter.
Item # CTE-24414
Brake Lever Set for 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 Chain Drive Electric Scooter
Brake lever set for the 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 chain drive electric scooter. Consists of one left brake lever and one right brake lever with brake switch cables terminating into a single wiring connector.
Item # LEV-CT1000

Fs 4 0 24 Volt Lithium Ion Battery

Front Brake Cable for 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 Chain Drive Electric Scooter
Front brake cable for the 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 chain drive electric scooter.
Item # CBL-150
Rear Brake Cable for 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 Chain Drive Electric Scooter
Rear brake cable for the 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 chain drive electric scooter.
Item # CBL-067
Front V-Brake for 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 Chain Drive Electric Scooter
Aluminum front V-brake with brake shoes and mounting hardware for the 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 chain drive electric scooter.
Item # BRK-350
Front Brake Shoes for 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 Chain Drive Electric Scooter
Premium brake shoes with mounting hardware for the 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 chain drive electric scooter.
Item # BRK-390
Rear Brake for 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 Chain Drive Electric Scooter
Chrome plated rear brake assembly for the 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 chain drive electric scooter.
Item # BRK-90C
Rear Brake for 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 Chain Drive Electric Scooter
Black painted rear band brake assembly for the 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 chain drive electric scooter.
Item # BRK-90B
Band Brake Mounting Hardware for 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 Chain Drive Electric Scooter
Universal fit mounting hardware for the 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 chain drive electric scooter.
Item # HDW-188
Brake Cable Pinch Bolt for 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 Chain Drive Electric Scooter
Brake cable pinch bolt for the 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 chain drive electric scooter.
Item # BRK-226
Wheel Bearing for 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 Chain Drive Electric Scooter
Wheel bearing for the 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 front and rear wheels. Each wheel requires two bearings.
Size: 12mm ID, 28mm OD, 8mm wide.
Item # BRG-6000Z
Headset Cup and Bearing Set for 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 Electric Scooter
Front fork headset bearing set with black enamel finish for the 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 electric scooter.
Item # BRG-134C
Headset Bearing for 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 Electric Scooter
Front fork headset bearing for the 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 electric scooter.
Item # BRG-134

Seat Post for 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 Chain Drive Electric Scooter
Steel seat post with chrome finish for 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 chain drive electric scooter.
Item # SPT-150
This is the upper seat post only and does not include the lower seat tube that fits into the frame. The lower seat tube has been discontinued and is no longer available.

Seat Post for 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 Chain Drive Electric Scooter
Lightweight aluminum alloy seat post for 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 chain drive electric scooter.
Item # SPT-161
This is the upper seat post only and does not include the lower seat tube that fits into the frame. The lower seat tube has been discontinued and is no longer available.
Seat for 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 Chain Drive Electric Scooter
Standard seat for the 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 chain drive electric scooter.
Seat With Dual Rear Springs for 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 Chain Drive Electric Scooter
Seat for the 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 chain drive electric scooter. Dual rear spring suspension. Heavy duty steel rail construction under the seat. Includes mounting hardware.
Item # SET-258
Large Seat With Dual Rear Springs for 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 Chain Drive Electric Scooter
Premium extra-large and extra-comfortable seat for the 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 chain drive electric scooter. Thick foam rubber padding. Dual rear spring suspension. Heavy duty steel rail construction under the seat. Includes mounting hardware. Seat measures 10-5/8' x 10-1/4'.
Item # SET-251
Folding Handlebars for Schwinn® S-750 Chain Drive Electric Scooter
Folding handlebars with mounting hardware for the 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 chain drive electric scooter.
Handlebar Tightening Bolt And Wedge for 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 Chain Drive Electric Scooter
Handlebar tightening bolt and wedge for the 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 chain drive electric scooter.
Item # HDW-350
Handlebar Quick-Release Mechanism for 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 Chain Drive Electric Scooter
Folding handlebar quick-release mechanism for the 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 chain drive electric scooter.
Item # CTE-QRM
Warning Bell With Compass for 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 Chain Drive Electric Scooter
Pleasant sounding yet attention grabbing chime bell sound. Built-in real magnetic compass. Easy to install one-piece design.
Item # BEL-360


53 LED Headlight for 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 Chain Drive Electric Scooter
Bright 53 LED headlight. Top mounted push button switch activates three different power modes: low, medium and high. High power mode turns on all 53 LED's at once. This headlight lights up the road very well at night compared to most other LED headlights. Requires 3 AA cell batteries. (batteries not included)
Item # LIT-53LED
5 LED Taillight for 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 Chain Drive Electric Scooter
High output 5 LED taillight for the 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 chain drive electric scooter. Push button switch on back side of taillight activates steady light or blinking light mode. Easy to install design. Mounts onto seat post. Has a belt clip so it can also be worn. Requires 2 AAA cell batteries. (batteries not included)
Item # LIT-600
Front Reflector for 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 Chain Drive Electric Scooter
White safety reflector for front handlebars of the 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 chain drive electric scooter.
Item # REF-150
Rear Reflector for 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 Chain Drive Electric Scooter
Rear red safety reflector for the 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 Chain Drive Electric Scooters. Mounts onto seat post.
Item # REF-155
Rear Reflector for 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 Chain Drive Electric Scooter
Red safety reflector for back of the 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 chain drive electric scooter.
Item # REF-160
2-1/2' Valve Stem Extender for 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 Chain Drive Electric Scooter
High quality 2-1/2' long chrome-plated brass valve stem extender with cap. Extends valve stem length by two and one half inches.
Item # VXT-160

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7-1/4' Flexible Valve Stem Extender for 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 Chain Drive Electric Scooter
7-1/4' long flexible valve stem extender with cap. For filling hard to reach valve stems. Reinforced rubber hose with solid brass hardware.
Item # VXT-714
Green Slide® Chain Lube for 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 Chain Drive Electric Scooter
Green Slide® safe and biodegradable chain lube. The perfect lube for electric scooters and bikes. Made from highly modified tree and plant oils with all natural cling and anti-oxidation additives.
4 fluid ounce / 120 ml bottle. More Information
Item # GSL-4OZ


Fs 4 0 24 Volt Battery Charger

Slime® Inner Tube Sealant for 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 Chain Drive Electric Scooter
Instantly seals punctures in the tread area up to 1/8'. Remains liquid, evenly coating the inside of the tube. Non-flammable, non-toxic, water soluble, easy to use. For the 24 Volt Schwinn® S-750 Chain Drive Electric Scooter use half a bottle per tire.
8 fluid ounce / 237mL bottle
Item # TIR-SL8

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